This website was developed by a book collector for other book collectors. During the latter half of a legal career spanning more than 40 years, I collected books to form a library of modern fiction, literature and poetry. Having attended, and been inspired by, the Faculty of the York Antiquarian Book Seminar in 2015, OJ-Books was conceived.
Whilst still offering books in a wide variety of categories with particular strengths in Bibliography and books by and about T.E. Lawrence, OJ-Books is now specialising in Private and Fine Press books and ephemera, particularly of those private presses that have been operating into the 21st Century, some of which continue to produce fine books in limited editions.
OJ-Books will use its best endeavours to make the collecting of books by its customers a pleasurable one (for example, FREE POSTAGE is offered for deliveries within the UK), and I very much look forward to building upon, and enhancing, the many existing friendships both within the book trade and with fellow book-collectors. On 11th May 2018, my bibliography of Laurie Lee was published; LAURIE LEE 1914-1997 A BIBLIOGRAPHY, is available for purchase on this website.
Please enjoy browsing.
Stephen Oliver-Jones KC