The third of a total of sixteen poetry supplements to The Critical Quarterly issued between 1960 and..
Fogarty, Anne
Volume 36 Number 1 of the Irish University Review, a Journal of Irish Studies. Publisher's card cove..
Gindea, Miron [Editor]
A Literary Quarterly in English and French. Publisher's illustrated glossy card covers depicting Hen..
Ginsberg, Allen
The poem 'Lysergic Acid' in Stand, A quarterly Review of Literature and the Arts Volume 4 No. 4
Publisher's illustrated wrappers. Octavo. pp. 56. With contributions from Jon Silkin, Alan Sillitoe,..
The twelfth of a total of sixteen poetry supplements to The Critical Quarterly issued between 1960 a..
Halpern, Daniel [Editor]
This issue of the international quarterly of literature is entitled 'Poetry & Poetics'. Publisher's ..
Halpern, Daniel [Editor]
Publisher's illustrated stiff card covers. Octavo, pp. 272. This issue contains four poems by Ted Hu..
Hartley, George
First Edition. Publisher's illustrated card covers. Octavo. pp. 24, stapled. Cover design by Stanley..
Hartley, George
First Edition. Publisher's illustrated card covers designed by Quatrezoneilles. Printed at the press..
Hartley, George
Listen. A Review of Poetry & Criticism. Volume Three Number One
First Edition. Publisher's illustrated card covers designed by John Hayward. Printed at the press of..
Hartley, George
Listen. A Review of Poetry and Criticism. Volume Two Number One
First Edition. Publisher's illustrated card covers designed by Chenapan. Printed by the Press of Vil..
Hartley, George
First Edition. Publisher's illustrated glossy card covers with front cover design by George Hartley...
Hartley, George
First Edition. Publisher's illustrated card covers with front cover design by Henry Moore. Printed a..
Hartley, George
First Edition. Publisher's illustrated card covers with front cover designed by Henry Moore. Printed..
Hine, Daryl [Editor]
Poetry [Magazine, Founded in 1912 by Harriet Monroe] 1973 - Complete 12 Issues.
The complete set of twelve monthly issues running from January 1973 (Volume CXXI No.4) to December 1..